Dunning Africa Centre
A full list of publications and research activity from Henley Business School Africa

Research projects and activities
A total of 23 Henley Business School-affiliated researchers are working on research projects and writing thought leadership pieces. Forty researchers across 10 institutions are working on the projects mentioned below.

As at 28 October 2022
During 2022, the following research projects and activities were undertaken:
- Under the auspices of its Research department, Henley Business School Africa’s researchers are currently involved in nine collaborative research projects focusing on:
- traditional and Islamic retail banking customer perceptions, an emerging market comparison;
- fostering exporter-buyer relationships for sustainable export performance in the South African agricultural industry;
- reputation, relationship marketing, and customer engagement in South African retail banking;
- South African consumers’ intentions towards the use of 60-minute mobile grocery shopping applications;
- a motivational approach to curb employee theft in fast-moving consumer goods retailing in South Africa;
- immersive learning in business schools;
- inclusive branding in service industries;
- anti-consumption and related consumer helping behaviour and skill development of consumers in a services context across different markets; and
- impact of situational leadership in times of crisis on project outcome.
- Henley Business School Africa is collaborating with researchers from the Centre for Business Ethics and Sustainability as well as Risk Insights – a South African-based risk management firm that has created an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating tool – on a project titled: ‘Adoption and practice of ESG factors in South African listed companies: a board perspective’.
- Henley Business School Africa is also collaborating with researchers from the John Madejski Centre for Reputation on two research projects, titled: ‘Lessons for best practice in government communications’; and ‘Attainment of organisational strategy through stakeholder engagement: a South African case study’.
- Furthermore, Henley Business School Africa is collaborating with researchers from the Henley Centre for Leadership on a project focusing on African leadership optimism, with the working title: ‘The attributes and energy dynamics of hopeful, healthy performing senior management teams and their impact on society in an African leadership context’.
- Henley Business School Africa and the University of Reading are collaborating on a research project that centres on enhancing food and nutrition security in Africa.
- The Dunning Africa Centre has presented six webinars this year, with two webinars forthcoming.
- Henley Business School Africa, Henley Centre for Leadership, and the John Madejski Centre for Reputation are in the process of launching two sister centres at Henley Business School Africa.
- Henley Business School Africa is in the process of launching the Consumer Insights Africa centre, focusing on studying the consumer behaviour of African consumers.
- Currently, the following white papers are being produced:
- Effective use of virtual reality in business school education;
- A project artistry framework in action;
- Lessons learned from the implementation of a KEY framework to displacing limiting;
- Business and revenue assurance;
- The Henley Model of Entrepreneurship; and
- another exploring how millennials and zennials shift corporate culture.
- Henley Business School Africa researchers have produced seven case studies to accompany three virtual reality (VR) films. Another film has been produced and two cases are currently being written. Two more cases studies focusing on Roska Artisan Ice Cream and a case implementing a COVID-19 vaccination policy are nearing completion. A further two cases on King Price Insurance and Surgical Leadership are currently being written.
Faculty support
During 2022, the following support has been provided to our researchers:
- A folder on SharePoint containing resources, including workshop recordings and slides, Henley case studies, and teaching notes, has been made available to faculty.
- VR labs and sessions to promote the use of VR and Henley case studies in class have been presented.
- Several white papers have been commissioned.
- Early-career researchers are being mentored and support is provided with respect to reviewing and editing their papers.
- Two researchers will be provided with funding to attend the AABS Case Writing and Teaching Workshop in October 2022.
Meet your alumni chapter team

Melody Xaba
Director & Co-Founder of My Future Work
Melody is a Director & Co-Founder of My Future Work, a Learning & Development agency specialising in creating digital upskilling/reskilling solutions for the workforce. She serves in the MICT-SETA 4IR Committee, advising in the labour cohort. She was named Mail & Guardian Young 200 in 2019; won a Veuve Cliquot Elle Boss Award in 2018 and awarded the Henley Business School Johnny Clegg MBA Scholarship in 2018. Melody is also a professional speaker, advocating for the digital skills development of the African workforce, to positively impact our economy and improve the living conditions of our citizens.
Connect with Melody