John Vlismas knows how to talk. He’s convinced people to laugh on several continents. He talked some into marrying him (briefly). He’s pitched television shows, films, sponsorship deals, product launches and arena shows. And won.
He’s designed three linked one-hour lessons to tell you what he’s learned. Go at the most feared activity in history from three angles and the chance of doing well goes up, right?
John thinks there’s more to it than picturing the audience naked and saying your words nicely.
He believes you need to do some thinking about speaking before you start. There are exercises to help embed the learning.

1. Material
What you say and why is the basis of good speaking.
- “Story is everything.” Humans code complex information into patterns to learn faster.
- “The audience brings their story.” Empathy is insight.
- “I am introducing a new story in a new place” Situational awareness
- “What’s my own story?” Personal awareness and resonance.
2. Delivery
Some hacks to tell stories better.
- “The chemistry of anxiety.” Once we know why we panic, it’s possible to deal with.
- “Get present.” Don’t put on a show. Show up.
- “Know your stuff.” Prepare and play. Don’t stress and wrestle.
3. Design
Design is fundamental to human cognition.
- How we process information.
- How we prime the audience.
- How we connect and inform.
John will cover the design of useful and effective content, bringing in some science about the brain to support his hunches built over 25 years of ethnographic research.